Poster of Forgotten in Narvilishky

Forgotten in Narvilishky

Plot: A bitter twist of fate: during the drawing of demarcation lines between the Soviet Republics in 1939 nobody dared remove Stalin’s pipe from the map, consequently the borders were drawn around it. It was thus that the Belarusian village of Narvilishky ended up being allocated to Lithuania
Release Date: Sunday, November 9 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Dmitri MakhometDmitri MakhometDmitri Makhomet was >> in Forgotten in Narvilishky as 'Director, Director of Photography, Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rimvydas LeipusRimvydas LeipusRimvydas Leipus was 54 in Forgotten in Narvilishky as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Fri, Sep 09 1960
Portrait of Arturo MioArturo MioArturo Mio was >> in Forgotten in Narvilishky as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Françoise TourmenFrançoise TourmenFrançoise Tourmen was >> in Forgotten in Narvilishky as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday