Plot: Denying his duty and in order to escape a crucial process of becoming a shaman, Ihjãc runs away to the city. Far from his people and culture, he faces the reality of being an indigenous in contemporary Brazil
Renée Nader MessoraRenée Nader Messora was 40 in The Dead and the Others as 'Camera Operator, Director, Director of Photography, Writer, Producer, Editor'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1979
João SalavizaJoão Salaviza was 35 in The Dead and the Others as 'Director, Writer, Producer, Editor'
Birthday: Sun, Feb 19 1984
Ricardo Alves Jr.Ricardo Alves Jr. was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Producer, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Thiago Macedo CorreiaThiago Macedo Correia was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Producer, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Edgar FeldmanEdgar Feldman was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Luana LeobasLuana Leobas was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Vitor AratanhaVitor Aratanha was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Boom Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ariel HenriqueAriel Henrique was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Sound Re-Recording Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pablo LamarPablo Lamar was >> in The Dead and the Others as 'Sound Designer'