Poster of Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech

Plot: Figures of Speech is a feature-length documentary that follows a group of high school students from all over the country as they vie for glory in the little-known world of competitive acting, otherwise known as Speech or Forensics. It is a coming-of-age story wrapped inside a quirky sub-culture competition doc, that will remind you what it feels like to be on the edge of adulthood, fighting to become whoever it is you’re meant to be
Release Date: Thursday, June 9 2016
8 years ago
External Links
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Portrait of Chris PineChris Pine
Chris Pine was
35 in Figures of Speech
as 'Narrator'.
Tue, Aug 26 1980


Portrait of Ari LevinsonAri Levinson
Ari Levinson was
>> in Figures of Speech
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday