Samuel ShipwaySamuel Shipway was 13 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Risto Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 16 2001
Sanni PaatsoSanni Paatso was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Nelli Nuudelipää'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Minttu MustakallioMinttu Mustakallio was 41 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Rauha Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Mon, Jul 23 1973
Vesa VierikkoVesa Vierikko was 58 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Lennart Lindberg'.
Birthday: Thu, May 24 1956
Riitta HavukainenRiitta Havukainen was 59 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Elvi Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Sat, Apr 02 1955
Tom LindholmTom Lindholm was 56 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Server Arnold Rätvänä'.
Birthday: Thu, Oct 16 1958
Esko RoineEsko Roine was 70 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Miser Ernesti Ohranen'.
Birthday: Tue, Sep 05 1944
Ismo KallioIsmo Kallio was 79 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Merchant'.
Birthday: Mon, Dec 16 1935 –
Sat, Feb 02 2019
Ritva JalonenRitva Jalonen was 56 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Opera singer'.
Birthday: Tue, Mar 11 1958
Katariina LohinivaKatariina Lohiniva was 52 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Grandma'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 29 1962
Lasse FagerströmLasse Fagerström was 63 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Grandpa'.
Birthday: Sat, Dec 22 1951 –
Tue, Oct 04 2016
Heikki SilvennoinenHeikki Silvennoinen was 60 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Old Risto Räppääjä'.
Birthday: Tue, Apr 27 1954 –
Wed, Dec 18 2024
Timo KahilainenTimo Kahilainen was 52 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Old server'.
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1963
Mika CastrénMika Castrén was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Lawyer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Arttu TyniArttu Tyni was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Young miser'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Merika KoivusaloMerika Koivusalo was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Nelli as an adult'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Emily ShipwayEmily Shipway was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Young Elvi'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Aarne SiiroAarne Siiro was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as '2-year-old Risto in a photo'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Anette MäkiAnette Mäki was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Little girl riding a horse'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Timo KoivusaloTimo Koivusalo was 51 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Producer, Director, Editor'
Birthday: Thu, Oct 31 1963
Pertti MutanenPertti Mutanen was 67 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Wed, Aug 06 1947
Susanna PalinSusanna Palin was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sinikka NopolaSinikka Nopola was 61 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Book, Screenplay'
Birthday: Thu, Nov 26 1953 –
Wed, Jan 13 2021
Tiina NopolaTiina Nopola was 59 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Book, Screenplay'
Birthday: Mon, Sep 05 1955
Olli PärnänenOlli Pärnänen was 48 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Sound Re-Recording Mixer, Sound Editor'
Birthday: Wed, Mar 09 1966
Janne LaineJanne Laine was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Eetu NiininenEetu Niininen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Online Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jyrki LuukkoJyrki Luukko was 49 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Sound Designer, Editor'
Birthday: Sat, May 22 1965
Esa NieminenEsa Nieminen was 62 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Sun, Apr 20 1952
Heikki KossiHeikki Kossi was 45 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Foley Artist'
Birthday: Sat, Dec 06 1969
Juha PursiainenJuha Pursiainen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Stunt Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nikojaakko IivarinenNikojaakko Iivarinen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jukki TuuraJukki Tuura was 56 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Gaffer, Grip'
Birthday: Tue, Feb 10 1959
Seppo AnttilaSeppo Anttila was 60 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Boom Operator'
Birthday: Sat, May 08 1954
Joonas SaineJoonas Saine was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Lighting Technician'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Toivo KallioToivo Kallio was 30 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Foley Artist'
Birthday: Sun, Jun 17 1984
Arto HeinonenArto Heinonen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Boom Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pasi MäkeläPasi Mäkelä was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Colorist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Elina EränenElina Eränen was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Assistant Camera'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Timo SavunenTimo Savunen was 39 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Location Manager'
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1976
Erja MikkolaErja Mikkola was 55 in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Costume Design, Makeup Designer'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1960
Markku MyllymäkiMarkku Myllymäki was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kaisa StrandmanKaisa Strandman was >> in Ricky Rapper and the Miser from Seville as 'Choreographer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday