Plot: A teenager labeled as having a mental disorder by his father. When he has no intention or purpose in life, his friend comes and and will change his life completely
Release Date:
Thursday, May 2 2024 Released within the last year
Desta Nur RizkiDesta Nur Rizki was >> in As a Human Being as 'Bad Guy 3'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Vicky RabbaniVicky Rabbani was >> in As a Human Being as 'Bad Guy 4'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Malky Yusevaldrich ChatteleoMalky Yusevaldrich Chatteleo was 17 in As a Human Being as 'Director, Writer, Editor, Cinematography, Producer, Director of Photography, Sound'
Birthday: Fri, Nov 24 2006
Fathan QalbyFathan Qalby was >> in As a Human Being as 'Cinematography'