Poster of Detached


Plot: Detached is a contemporary Scrooge tale set in the Hollywood Hills that follows Chadh Campbell, an unscrupulous mortgage broker, as he receives a stream of anonymous holiday greetings during Christmas Eve and Day. As Chadh searches for the perpetrator of this "festive" assault he must face the unfavorable reality of just how many people he's harmed during his life, forcing him to confront how emotionally detached from those around him he's become
Release Date: Sunday, March 1 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Sascha RosemannSascha Rosemann
Sascha Rosemann was
>> in Detached
as 'Chadh Campbell'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kris LezetcKris Lezetc
Kris Lezetc was
>> in Detached
as 'Laura'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mieke BuchanMieke Buchan
Mieke Buchan was
>> in Detached
as 'Selena'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ryan McGeeRyan McGee
Ryan McGee was
>> in Detached
as 'Eddie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrew HamrickAndrew Hamrick
Andrew Hamrick was
>> in Detached
as 'Mitchell'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Manny MontanaManny Montana
Manny Montana was
25 in Detached
as 'Manuel Sabatar'.
Mon, Sep 26 1983
Portrait of Melissa SantosMelissa Santos
Melissa Santos was
>> in Detached
as 'Lorina'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Tianna Majumdar-LanghamTianna Majumdar-Langham
Tianna Majumdar-Langham was
>> in Detached
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chris BessounianChris Bessounian
Chris Bessounian was
>> in Detached
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday