Poster of De-Clutter


Plot: In present-day Nablus, amidst the confines of a home masking an ant nest within its walls, Aya, a depressed young woman, is faced with a life-changing scholarship offer to study abroad and caught between the enticement of her dreams and the weight of potentially abandoning her lonely mother. As the discussions about the persistent acts unfold, long-suppressed emotions start to surface
Release Date: Monday, September 23 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Amani IbrahimAmani Ibrahim
Amani Ibrahim was
>> in De-Clutter
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roula SaidRoula Said
Roula Said was
>> in De-Clutter
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Rimah JabrRimah Jabr
Rimah Jabr was
>> in De-Clutter
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday