Poster of How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home

How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home

Plot: Viktor spends his free time trawling bars with ladies of questionable repute, from where he is picked up by a wife he doesn’t love, the mother of a child they never planned. Viktor himself was abandoned by his own father, his mother then committed suicide, and he was left to grow up in an orphanage
Release Date: Thursday, October 12 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Evgeniy TkachukEvgeniy TkachukEvgeniy Tkachuk was 34 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Vitka Chesnokov - Chesnok'.
Birthday: Sat, Jul 23 1983
Portrait of Aleksey SerebryakovAleksey SerebryakovAleksey Serebryakov was 53 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Lyokha Chesnokov - Shtyr'.
Birthday: Wed, Jun 03 1964
Portrait of Andrey SmirnovAndrey SmirnovAndrey Smirnov was 76 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Platon - vor v zakone'.
Birthday: Wed, Mar 12 1941
Portrait of Nataliya VdovinaNataliya VdovinaNataliya Vdovina was 48 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Vera - vtoraya zhena Shtyrya'.
Birthday: Sun, Jan 12 1969
Portrait of Olga OzollapinyaOlga OzollapinyaOlga Ozollapinya was 31 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Svetka - zhena Vitki'.
Birthday: Sat, Jan 25 1986
Portrait of Olga LapshinaOlga LapshinaOlga Lapshina was 55 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'mama Svetki'.
Birthday: Tue, May 08 1962
Portrait of Alina NasibullinaAlina NasibullinaAlina Nasibullina was 27 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Lariska'.
Birthday: Wed, Mar 21 1990
Portrait of Georgiy KudrenkoGeorgiy KudrenkoGeorgiy Kudrenko was 26 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Mishka - kum'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 28 1991
Portrait of Kseniya OrlovaKseniya OrlovaKseniya Orlova was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Nastya'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dmitriy ArkhangelskiyDmitriy ArkhangelskiyDmitriy Arkhangelskiy was 50 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Chebur'.
Birthday: Thu, Dec 29 1966
Portrait of Roman ChaliapinRoman ChaliapinRoman Chaliapin was 34 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Jack'.
Birthday: Mon, Nov 29 1982
Portrait of Alexandra VeleskevichAlexandra VeleskevichAlexandra Veleskevich was 26 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Olya'.
Birthday: Thu, Aug 29 1991
Portrait of Olga VoroninaOlga VoroninaOlga Voronina was 34 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Lenka'.
Birthday: Sat, Nov 27 1982
Portrait of Konstantin GatsalovKonstantin GatsalovKonstantin Gatsalov was 43 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'scarfaced bandit'.
Birthday: Mon, Nov 12 1973
Portrait of Mikhail TroynikMikhail TroynikMikhail Troynik was 29 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Nastya's boyfriend'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 24 1988
Portrait of Aleksandra RevenkoAleksandra RevenkoAleksandra Revenko was 26 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'bank consultant'.
Birthday: Fri, Sep 06 1991
Portrait of Igor GasparyanIgor GasparyanIgor Gasparyan was 43 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Koldyr'.
Birthday: Tue, Aug 06 1974
Portrait of Sergey BukreevSergey BukreevSergey Bukreev was 49 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Sorokin, the district'.
Birthday: Fri, Jul 19 1968
Portrait of Elena SokolovaElena SokolovaElena Sokolova was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Svetka's friend'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eleonora IlchenkoEleonora IlchenkoEleonora Ilchenko was 55 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'social worker'.
Birthday: Mon, Oct 23 1961
Portrait of Philipp RibaPhilipp RibaPhilipp Riba was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'bandit'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Alexandr KhantAlexandr KhantAlexandr Khant was 31 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Director, Editor'
Birthday: Tue, Dec 03 1985
Portrait of Yuri ReinbakhYuri ReinbakhYuri Reinbakh was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Sound Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Denis TsukanovDenis TsukanovDenis Tsukanov was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Sound Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Larisa ChaykovskayaLarisa ChaykovskayaLarisa Chaykovskaya was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Natalya MakarovaNatalya MakarovaNatalya Makarova was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Additional Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniil FomichevDaniil FomichevDaniil Fomichev was 26 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Tue, Sep 03 1991
Portrait of Alexey BorodachevAlexey BorodachevAlexey Borodachev was 41 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sun, Aug 15 1976
Portrait of Fyodor PopovFyodor PopovFyodor Popov was 61 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Producer'
Birthday: Mon, Feb 20 1956
Portrait of Vladimir MalyshevVladimir MalyshevVladimir Malyshev was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alexander DelvigAlexander DelvigAlexander Delvig was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Viktoriya LeshchenkoViktoriya LeshchenkoViktoriya Leshchenko was 28 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Fri, Oct 21 1988
Portrait of Lala RustamovaLala RustamovaLala Rustamova was 22 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Creative Producer'
Birthday: Sat, Aug 19 1995
Portrait of Nataliya ShmidtNataliya ShmidtNataliya Shmidt was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sergey IvanovSergey IvanovSergey Ivanov was 42 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Editor'
Birthday: Wed, Sep 17 1975
Portrait of Natalya RostotskayaNatalya RostotskayaNatalya Rostotskaya was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ekaterina RostotskayaEkaterina RostotskayaEkaterina Rostotskaya was >> in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Asya DavydovaAsya DavydovaAsya Davydova was 35 in How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Wed, Jun 16 1982