Poster of Squid


Plot: The 30-year-old single Polina always puts first the interests of other people: relatives, acquaintances and her beloved Mitya, who has been married in serious and for a long time. She does not notice that they all manipulate her, solving only their problems
Release Date: Tuesday, June 11 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Nadezhda LumpovaNadezhda LumpovaNadezhda Lumpova was 29 in Squid
Birthday: Wed, Nov 15 1989
Portrait of Aleksandr YatsenkoAleksandr YatsenkoAleksandr Yatsenko was 42 in Squid as 'Митя'.
Birthday: Sun, May 22 1977
Portrait of Anastasiya SavosinaAnastasiya SavosinaAnastasiya Savosina was 35 in Squid
Birthday: Thu, Jun 16 1983
Portrait of Tatyana FilatovaTatyana FilatovaTatyana Filatova was 56 in Squid
Birthday: Thu, Jan 03 1963
Portrait of Aleksandr SokolovjvskiyAleksandr SokolovjvskiyAleksandr Sokolovjvskiy was 30 in Squid
Birthday: Sun, Feb 12 1989


Portrait of Lidiya KondratyukLidiya KondratyukLidiya Kondratyuk was >> in Squid as 'Director, Screenplay, Producer, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vladimir PodvornyVladimir PodvornyVladimir Podvorny was >> in Squid as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Natalya FrolovaNatalya FrolovaNatalya Frolova was 32 in Squid as 'Producer'
Birthday: Sat, Aug 23 1986
Portrait of Denis LevinDenis LevinDenis Levin was >> in Squid as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday