Poster of A.D.A.M


Plot: In a not too distant future, in the Republic of Chile, the young detective Joyce Nova fulfills her functions in a thin line between law, morality and her particular vision of justice: after having suffered a horrendous crime firsthand and seeing the criminal be protected by the political power in office, her idealization of a just world has become dark and punctual. The closest thing to justice and criminal punishment, for Joyce, will be revenge
Release Date: Thursday, March 5 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Alejandra ArayaAlejandra Araya
Alejandra Araya was
30 in A.D.A.M
as 'Joyce Nova'.
Wed, Dec 27 1989
Portrait of Giordano RossiGiordano Rossi
Giordano Rossi was
30 in A.D.A.M
as 'A.D.A.M.'.
Fri, Jun 23 1989
Portrait of Silvia NovakSilvia Novak
Silvia Novak was
61 in A.D.A.M
Mon, Feb 16 1959


Portrait of David RebolledoDavid Rebolledo
David Rebolledo was
>> in A.D.A.M
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pablo RoldanPablo Roldan
Pablo Roldan was
>> in A.D.A.M
as 'Script, Director'
Unknown Birthday