Poster of Gerimis Mengundang

Gerimis Mengundang

Plot: This movie adaptation of the popular theatre musical "Gerimis Mengundang" tells the story of a young man who is a pilot, played by Malaysian newcomer Kamal Adli. A chance meeting with the daughter of the Indonesia embassy officer who is played by Olivia Jensen Lubis, leads to a romance sparking between the two
Release Date: Thursday, May 31 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Kamal AdliKamal Adli
Kamal Adli was
26 in Gerimis Mengundang
as 'Zamani'.
Wed, Apr 16 1986
Portrait of Felix AgusFelix Agus
Felix Agus was
>> in Gerimis Mengundang
as 'Amri'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eizlan YusofEizlan Yusof
Eizlan Yusof was
40 in Gerimis Mengundang
as 'Perwakilan Malaysia'.
Wed, Jul 14 1971
Portrait of Cat FarishCat Farish
Cat Farish was
37 in Gerimis Mengundang
as 'Perwakilan Malaysia'.
Fri, Jul 12 1974
Portrait of Olivia JensenOlivia Jensen
Olivia Jensen was
19 in Gerimis Mengundang
as 'Mikha'.
Sun, Apr 11 1993


Portrait of Ahmad IdhamAhmad Idham
Ahmad Idham was
>> in Gerimis Mengundang
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday