Poster of Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Plot: In 'Once upon a time,' ('Yeki Bood Yeki Nabood', 2000), a magical letter transports two men, Fahrad and Iraj, to a small house in the middle of the countryside - and into a world that's filled with cute talking animals. The men are happy to go along with it, but when the animals follow them back to the city, there are much bigger problems to solve
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2001
24 years ago
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Portrait of Khosrow AhmadiKhosrow Ahmadi
Khosrow Ahmadi was
37 in Once Upon a Time
Wed, Jan 01 1964
Portrait of Sepehr AzadiSepehr Azadi
Sepehr Azadi was
>> in Once Upon a Time
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rozita GhaffariRozita Ghaffari
Rozita Ghaffari was
>> in Once Upon a Time
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Houshang GhovanlooHoushang Ghovanloo
Houshang Ghovanloo was
54 in Once Upon a Time
Wed, Jan 01 1947
Portrait of Sirous GorjestaniSirous Gorjestani
Sirous Gorjestani was
55 in Once Upon a Time
Fri, Mar 16 1945 –
Thu, Jul 02 2020
Portrait of Hengameh MofidHengameh Mofid
Hengameh Mofid was
>> in Once Upon a Time
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fatemeh Motamed-AryaFatemeh Motamed-Arya
Fatemeh Motamed-Arya was
39 in Once Upon a Time
as '... ( Voice )'.
Sun, Oct 29 1961
Portrait of Rabeh OskouieRabeh Oskouie
Rabeh Oskouie was
34 in Once Upon a Time
Wed, Jun 08 1966
Portrait of Afshin Sang-chapAfshin Sang-chap
Afshin Sang-chap was
>> in Once Upon a Time
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Iraj TahmasbIraj Tahmasb
Iraj Tahmasb was
41 in Once Upon a Time
Sun, May 17 1959


Portrait of Iraj TahmasbIraj Tahmasb
Iraj Tahmasb was
41 in Once Upon a Time
as 'Writer, Director'
Sun, May 17 1959
Portrait of Hamid JebeliHamid Jebeli
Hamid Jebeli was
43 in Once Upon a Time
as 'Writer'
Wed, Jan 01 1958