Poster of Lola and the Sea

Lola and the Sea

Plot: Just when Lola, 18 years old and transgender, learns that she can finally have surgery, her mother, who is her only financial support, passes away. Abiding by her mother’s last wishes, Lola and her father, who are permanently in conflict and have not seen each other for two years, undertake a journey all the way to the Belgian coast
Release Date: Wednesday, December 11 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Mya BollaersMya BollaersMya Bollaers was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Lola'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benoît MagimelBenoît MagimelBenoît Magimel was 45 in Lola and the Sea as 'Philippe'.
Birthday: Sat, May 11 1974
Portrait of Els DeceukelierEls DeceukelierEls Deceukelier was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'La patronne'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sami OutalbaliSami OutalbaliSami Outalbali was 20 in Lola and the Sea as 'Samir'.
Birthday: Fri, Mar 19 1999
Portrait of Jeremie ZagbaJeremie ZagbaJeremie Zagba was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Antoine'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anemone ValckeAnemone ValckeAnemone Valcke was 29 in Lola and the Sea as 'La danseuse'.
Birthday: Thu, Sep 27 1990
Portrait of Adriana Da FonsecaAdriana Da FonsecaAdriana Da Fonseca was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'La secrétaire médicale'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Delphine BibetDelphine BibetDelphine Bibet was 54 in Lola and the Sea as 'La chirurgienne'.
Birthday: Fri, Oct 01 1965
Portrait of Felix VannoorenbergheFelix VannoorenbergheFelix Vannoorenberghe was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Maxime'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Denis MpungaDenis MpungaDenis Mpunga was 60 in Lola and the Sea as 'Le prêtre'.
Birthday: Tue, Sep 29 1959
Portrait of Anne-Marie LoopAnne-Marie LoopAnne-Marie Loop was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'La voisine'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kris SwinnenKris SwinnenKris Swinnen was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Le client'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robbie CleirenRobbie CleirenRobbie Cleiren was 48 in Lola and the Sea as 'Le pharmacien'.
Birthday: Sun, Jun 13 1971
Portrait of Mathias SercuMathias SercuMathias Sercu was 48 in Lola and the Sea as 'Policier'.
Birthday: Tue, Dec 22 1970
Portrait of Vincenzo De JongheVincenzo De JongheVincenzo De Jonghe was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Policier'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rania SaddikiRania SaddikiRania Saddiki was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Solène'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thao MaertenThao MaertenThao Maerten was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Lionel'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Django SchrevensDjango SchrevensDjango Schrevens was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Adolescent 1'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jéremy GilletJéremy GilletJéremy Gillet was 19 in Lola and the Sea as 'Adolescent 2'.
Birthday: Sat, Aug 05 2000
Portrait of Jules GallandJules GallandJules Galland was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Enfant Église 1'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maxime ClausseMaxime ClausseMaxime Clausse was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Enfant Église 2'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elise HavelangeElise HavelangeElise Havelange was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Enfant Église 3'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of François BriceFrançois BriceFrançois Brice was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Père Maxime'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Laurent MicheliLaurent MicheliLaurent Micheli was 37 in Lola and the Sea as 'Writer, Director'
Birthday: Sat, Oct 09 1982
Portrait of Olivier BoonjingOlivier BoonjingOlivier Boonjing was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benoît RolandBenoît RolandBenoît Roland was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sébastien HaguenauerSébastien HaguenauerSébastien Haguenauer was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Annemie DegryseAnnemie DegryseAnnemie Degryse was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julie NaasJulie NaasJulie Naas was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raf KeunenRaf KeunenRaf Keunen was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arnaud CalvarArnaud CalvarArnaud Calvar was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gilles BénardeauGilles BénardeauGilles Bénardeau was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Catherine CosmeCatherine CosmeCatherine Cosme was >> in Lola and the Sea as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday