Poster of Mariposas


Plot: Set in a universe of magical realism, a boastful father prattles on superficially about his daughter to another parent in the school pick up line, but is unable to perceive her when it matters most.
Release Date: Thursday, June 8 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Miguel BelmonteMiguel Belmonte
Miguel Belmonte was
>> in Mariposas
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rocco SalataRocco Salata
Rocco Salata was
46 in Mariposas
Mon, Jul 06 1970
Portrait of Alice Chandler HumeAlice Chandler Hume
Alice Chandler Hume was
>> in Mariposas
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Teddy KalinTeddy Kalin
Teddy Kalin was
>> in Mariposas
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Adrian CareyAdrian Carey
Adrian Carey was
>> in Mariposas
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday