Poster of Deceased: The End of the World

Deceased: The End of the World

Plot: Holed up in a bunker waiting for the end of the world, the Pollacco’s, Il-Kunjata, Clark and May, Jackie, Reggie and Sarah wait for the arrival of the comet. But this never comes and finding themselves penniless having spent every last Euro on stocking up for Armageddon they must somehow rebuild their lives
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 2011
12 years ago
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Portrait of Rebecca DimechRebecca Dimech
Rebecca Dimech was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'May'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kyle GattKyle Gatt
Kyle Gatt was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'Rudolph'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bonello GordonBonello Gordon
Bonello Gordon was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'Ramon'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Manolita GrechManolita Grech
Manolita Grech was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'Rosie'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Abigail MalliaAbigail Mallia
Abigail Mallia was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mirko GaleaMirko Galea
Mirko Galea was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carlos DebattistaCarlos Debattista
Carlos Debattista was
>> in Deceased: The End of the World
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday