Poster of On the other side of the woods

On the other side of the woods

Plot: Fairytale full of light, magic and nostalgia. A clay doll awakens her surroundings that become a surreal world in constant flow of change
Release Date: Friday, June 6 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Anu-Laura TuttelbergAnu-Laura TuttelbergAnu-Laura Tuttelberg was 29 in On the other side of the woods as 'Director, Scenic Artist, Director of Photography, Producer, Writer, Art Direction, Editor'
Birthday: Sun, Oct 07 1984
Portrait of Andrus RaudsaluAndrus RaudsaluAndrus Raudsalu was >> in On the other side of the woods as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ülo PikkovÜlo PikkovÜlo Pikkov was 37 in On the other side of the woods as 'Producer'
Birthday: Tue, Jun 15 1976
Portrait of Sander PõldsaarSander PõldsaarSander Põldsaar was >> in On the other side of the woods as 'Music, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Horret KuusHorret KuusHorret Kuus was >> in On the other side of the woods as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roman KuznetsovRoman KuznetsovRoman Kuznetsov was >> in On the other side of the woods as 'Set Dresser'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Olga BulgakovaOlga BulgakovaOlga Bulgakova was >> in On the other side of the woods as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mait EerikMait EerikMait Eerik was >> in On the other side of the woods as 'Set Dresser'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday