Portrait of Victoria Scarborough

Victoria Scarborough

Bio: A classical actor, I trained at RADA between the years 1986-89; The Royal National Theatre (London), Hampstead Theatre (London), The Royal Exchange (Manchester), Chichester Festival Theatre, Birmingham Rep, The Glasgow Citz, Leeds Playhouse, Nottingham Playhouse, New Victoria Theatre, The New Vic (London), were some of the theatres I regularly performed at alternating with productions for the BBC, and mainstream ITV channels and independent film. Favourite plays and roles have been …in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Ophelia), Othello, (Desdemona), Sophocles Electra as ‘Electra’, The Winters Tale (Hermione), Middleton’s Women Beware Women (Bianca), and Venice Preserved (Aqualina), Molière’s, The Hypochondriac (Toinette), La Ronda (all female parts), Noel Coward’s, Gilda (Design For Living) and Sybil in Private Lives; The Rivals (Lydia Languish), Love for Love, and (Rosina), in The Barber of Seville (Rosina)
Born: Sun, Jan 01 1967
Birthplace: England, UK
Victoria Scarborough is 58 years old
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