Portrait of Rondò Veneziano

Rondò Veneziano

Bio: Rondò Veneziano is an Italian chamber orchestra, specializing in Baroque music, playing original instruments, but incorporating a rock-style rhythm section of synthesizer, bass guitar and drums, led by Maestro Gian Piero Reverberi, who is also the principal composer of all of the original Rondò Veneziano pieces. The unusual addition of modern instruments, more suitable for jazz, combined with Reverberi's arrangements and original compositions, have resulted in lavish novel versions of classical works over the years
Born: Mon, Jan 01 1979
Birthplace: Italy
Rondò Veneziano is 46 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Farmer
Rondò Veneziano was 26 in Farmer as 'Music'.
Movie Released: Sat, Jan 01 2005
Poster of One Woman One Life
One Woman One Life
Rondò Veneziano was 6 in One Woman One Life as 'Original Music Composer'.
Movie Released: Tue, Jan 01 1985

TV Shows (As Crew)

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