Portrait of Roberto Ramírez Garza

Roberto Ramírez Garza

Bio: Roberto Ramírez Garza (Monterrey, Nuevo León, August 19, 1931 - Mexico City, July 28, 2009) was a Mexican actor and comedian known as "Beto El Boticario", known for his participation in the television program "La carabina de Ambrosio". He began his career in 1948 and 6 years later he received an Ariel Award for Best New Actor for the film The Good Thief, in 1957 he belonged to the so-called Golden Age of Mexican cinema
Born: Fri, Aug 19 1927
Birthplace: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

Death: Tue, Jul 28 2009
Roberto Ramírez Garza is 81 years old
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