![Recep Filiz Portrait of Recep Filiz](http://es.actoragecheck.com/limage/L3B0cGU4TmNoWk44UlF2dnF0THdlRHJmbE55Yy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date![The Murderer of the Night Poster of The Murderer of the Night](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2pwbVRYc09neFQwbG5mVUY4anFoV1VpR3VPay5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
The Murderer of the Night
Recep Filiz was
54 in The Murderer of the Night
as 'Screenplay'.
Tue, Jan 01 1980
![Tatli ve Güzel: Istanbul Geceleri Poster of Tatli ve Güzel: Istanbul Geceleri](http://es.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
Tatli ve Güzel: Istanbul Geceleri
Recep Filiz was
53 in Tatli ve Güzel: Istanbul Geceleri
as 'Writer'.
Mon, Jan 01 1979
![Hey Amigo: Beş Altın Mezar Poster of Hey Amigo: Beş Altın Mezar](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/LzhCc2JpTWFSMllCQ25DQ2tUU0gza2JEa1Awbi5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Hey Amigo: Beş Altın Mezar
Recep Filiz was
45 in Hey Amigo: Beş Altın Mezar
as 'Writer'.
Fri, May 07 1971
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages