Portrait of Pere Koniec

Pere Koniec

Bio: Pere Koniec (Barcelona, ​​1980) is an underground film scriptwriter and director. He has filmed the feature film L de Lorena (2003), the short film Efímero 87 (2006), the medium-length films Policromia (2010) and Difuminadao (2014) and the feature film Volpina (2021)
Born: Thu, Nov 20 1980
Birthplace: Barcelona
Pere Koniec is 44 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Volpina
Pere Koniec was
40 in Volpina
as 'Director, Screenplay, Producer'.
Sun, Jul 04 2021
Poster of Blurred
Pere Koniec was
33 in Blurred
as 'Producer, Editor, Screenplay, Director'.
Sat, Oct 11 2014
Poster of Policromía
Pere Koniec was
29 in Policromía
as 'Producer, Editor, Director, Screenplay'.
Sat, Sep 04 2010
Poster of Ephemeral 87
Ephemeral 87
Pere Koniec was
25 in Ephemeral 87
as 'Producer, Editor, Director, Screenplay'.
Mon, Sep 04 2006
Poster of L de Lorena
L de Lorena
Pere Koniec was
23 in L de Lorena
as 'Director, Screenplay, Producer, Editor'.
Thu, Nov 20 2003

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages