Portrait of Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich

Bio: Milla Jovovich (born December 17, 1975) is an Ukrainian-born American actress, supermodel, musician, and fashion designer. Over her career, she has appeared in a number of science fiction and action themed films, for which music channel VH1 has referred to her as the "reigning queen of kick-butt"
Born: Wed, Dec 17 1975
Birthplace: Kiev, Ukraine
Milla Jovovich is 49 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of In the Lost Lands
In the Lost Lands
Milla Jovovich will be
49 in In the Lost Lands
as 'Producer'.
Thu, Feb 27 2025
Poster of Midnight
Milla Jovovich will be
49+ in Midnight
as 'Executive Producer'.

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages