Portrait of Michiel Huisman

Michiel Huisman

Bio: Michiel Huisman (born July 18, 1981) is a Dutch film and television actor, musician, and singer-songwriter, who has acted in both Dutch and English-language productions. He's best known for his roles on television series as Eric 'Prince' Haase on Echo 3, Olivier Meyer on Angela Black, Alex Sokolov on The Flight Attendant, Steven Crain on The Haunting of Hill House, Walter Davidson on the miniseries Harley and the Davidsons, (the second) Daario Naharis on Game of Thrones, Cal Morrison on Orphan Black, Liam McGuinnis on Nashville, and Sonny on Tréme
Born: Sat, Jul 18 1981
Birthplace: Amstelveen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Michiel Huisman is 43 years old
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