Portrait of María Teresa Salcedo Montero

María Teresa Salcedo Montero

Bio: Colombian filmmaker and screenwriter. She has worked as a filmmaker in awarded tv projects for children: “#MiraLoQuePasa” (#LookWhatHappens, Canal Capital-SED, 2016) was finalist in the Category of nonfiction programs for public from 11 to 15 years in the Prix Jeunesse International 2018 (Germany); “Te Re-Creo, tus noticias” (Te Re-Creo, your news, Canal Capital- SED, 2014) won the UNICEF prize at the Prix Jeunesse International 2014 (Germany)
Born: Unknown birthdate.
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Poster of Wild Lea
Wild Lea
María Teresa Salcedo Montero was ? in Wild Lea as 'Producer, Director, Writer'.
Movie Released: Wed, Dec 02 2020

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