Portrait of Josef Hekrdla

Josef Hekrdla

Born: Tue, Dec 09 1919
Josef Hekrdla is 105 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Imago
Josef Hekrdla was
64 in Imago
as 'Animation'.
Sun, Jan 01 1984
Poster of Hearty Greetings from the Globe
Hearty Greetings from the Globe
Josef Hekrdla was
63 in Hearty Greetings from the Globe
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Jul 01 1983
Poster of Autodeformace
Josef Hekrdla was
63 in Autodeformace
as 'Animation'.
Sat, Jan 01 1983
Poster of Inferiority Complex
Inferiority Complex
Josef Hekrdla was
62 in Inferiority Complex
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Jan 01 1982
Poster of What Did We Do to the Hens
What Did We Do to the Hens
Josef Hekrdla was
58 in What Did We Do to the Hens
as 'Director, Screenplay, Animation'.
Mon, May 08 1978
Poster of Hokej je hra
Hokej je hra
Josef Hekrdla was
58 in Hokej je hra
as 'Screenplay, Director, Animation'.
Sun, Jan 01 1978
Poster of Circulation
Josef Hekrdla was
57 in Circulation
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Sep 09 1977
Poster of Kaštanka
Josef Hekrdla was
56 in Kaštanka
as 'Animation'.
Thu, Jan 01 1976
Poster of Hugo a Bobo
Hugo a Bobo
Josef Hekrdla was
55 in Hugo a Bobo
as 'Animation'.
Wed, Jan 01 1975
Poster of The Mole as a Chemist
The Mole as a Chemist
Josef Hekrdla was
54 in The Mole as a Chemist
as 'Animation'.
Wed, May 22 1974
Poster of Nonsense
Josef Hekrdla was
54 in Nonsense
as 'Animation'.
Tue, Jan 01 1974
Poster of Beer over the Street
Beer over the Street
Josef Hekrdla was
54 in Beer over the Street
as 'Animation'.
Tue, Jan 01 1974
Poster of Automatic
Josef Hekrdla was
53 in Automatic
as 'Animation'.
Mon, Jan 01 1973
Poster of Chlupatý ptáček
Chlupatý ptáček
Josef Hekrdla was
46 in Chlupatý ptáček
as 'Animation'.
Sat, Jan 01 1966
Poster of Strange Birds
Strange Birds
Josef Hekrdla was
45 in Strange Birds
as 'Animation'.
Wed, Jun 02 1965
Poster of Loupežnická pohádka
Loupežnická pohádka
Josef Hekrdla was
44 in Loupežnická pohádka
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Nov 06 1964
Poster of Doktorská pohádka
Doktorská pohádka
Josef Hekrdla was
44 in Doktorská pohádka
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Jan 31 1964
Poster of Šroubkova dobrodružství
Šroubkova dobrodružství
Josef Hekrdla was
43 in Šroubkova dobrodružství
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Mar 01 1963
Poster of O nejbohatším vrabci na světě
O nejbohatším vrabci na světě
Josef Hekrdla was
42 in O nejbohatším vrabci na světě
as 'Animation'.
Tue, Feb 27 1962
Poster of How a puppy got a taste for honey
How a puppy got a taste for honey
Josef Hekrdla was
41 in How a puppy got a taste for honey
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Apr 21 1961
Poster of How a puppy wanted little puppies
How a puppy wanted little puppies
Josef Hekrdla was
41 in How a puppy wanted little puppies
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Mar 10 1961
Poster of Pošťácká pohádka
Pošťácká pohádka
Josef Hekrdla was
41 in Pošťácká pohádka
as 'Animation'.
Sun, Jan 01 1961
Poster of How sun gave puppy its water back
How sun gave puppy its water back
Josef Hekrdla was
40 in How sun gave puppy its water back
as 'Animation'.
Wed, Jun 08 1960
Poster of Psí pohádka
Psí pohádka
Josef Hekrdla was
39 in Psí pohádka
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Dec 04 1959
Poster of The Devil and Kate
The Devil and Kate
Josef Hekrdla was
36 in The Devil and Kate
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Apr 20 1956
Poster of O kohoutkovi a slepičce
O kohoutkovi a slepičce
Josef Hekrdla was
34 in O kohoutkovi a slepičce
as 'Animation'.
Fri, Jan 01 1954

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages