Movies (As Crew)

Know Your Competition 4
Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Know Your Competition 4 as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Tate as 'Second Assistant Director'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Receiver as 'Director, Writer, Editor'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Two-Man Rule
Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Two-Man Rule as 'Director, Writer, Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Home as 'Director, Writer, Editor'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Bad Vibes
Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Bad Vibes as 'Production Assistant'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Tradimento as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Jordan Mazzarella will be 0+ in Hustle as 'Assistant Director'.Movie Released: Unreleased