Movies (As Crew)

The Eyes of the Panther
Jane Osmann was ? in The Eyes of the Panther as 'Production Design'.Movie Released: Sun, Nov 26 1989

Jane Osmann was ? in Carmilla as 'Production Design'.Movie Released: Sun, Sep 10 1989

The Turn of the Screw
Jane Osmann was ? in The Turn of the Screw as 'Production Design'.Movie Released: Sat, Aug 12 1989

Crash Course
Jane Osmann was ? in Crash Course as 'Set Decoration'.Movie Released: Mon, Jan 18 1988

The Little Mermaid
Jane Osmann was ? in The Little Mermaid as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Mon, Apr 06 1987

Davy Crockett
Jane Osmann was ? in Davy Crockett as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Thu, Dec 18 1986

Darlin' Clementine
Jane Osmann was ? in Darlin' Clementine as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sat, Feb 08 1986

Casey at the Bat
Jane Osmann was ? in Casey at the Bat as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Mon, Jan 20 1986

Pecos Bill
Jane Osmann was ? in Pecos Bill as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Jan 01 1986

Annie Oakley
Jane Osmann was ? in Annie Oakley as 'Art Direction, Set Decoration'.Movie Released: Tue, Dec 24 1985

Beauty and the Beast
Jane Osmann was ? in Beauty and the Beast as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Mon, Aug 13 1984

Jane Osmann was ? in Thumbelina as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Mon, Jun 11 1984

Jane Osmann was ? in Pinocchio as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Mon, May 14 1984

The Princess and the Pea
Jane Osmann was ? in The Princess and the Pea as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Mon, Apr 16 1984

Little Red Riding Hood
Jane Osmann was ? in Little Red Riding Hood as 'Assistant Art Director'.Movie Released: Thu, Nov 10 1983