Portrait of James Hazeldine

James Hazeldine

Bio: British actor James Hazeldine was a well-known face both on British Television and on Stage. Best known for his role as Mike "Bayleaf" Wilson in the ITV drama, London's Burning (1988), many real-life firefighters thought Bayleaf was the character who closely and accurately portrayed your average real-life firefighter, a credit to his acting abilities
Born: Fri, Apr 04 1947
Birthplace: Salford, Lancashire, England

Death: Tue, Dec 17 2002
James Hazeldine is 55 years old
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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Heartbeat
James Hazeldine was 45+ in Heartbeat as 'Director'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Fri, Apr 10 1992