Portrait of Hal Yamanouchi

Hal Yamanouchi

Bio: Fluent in several languages and trained as a dancer, Yamanouchi moved to Europe in the early 1970's and embarked on an acting and performance career. At first in small roles in B films and as a stage actor, he eventually progressed into more and more international productions and even a few big budget Hollywood films such as PUSH, THE WAY BACK, and THE LIFE AQUATIC
Born: Wed, Mar 27 1946
Birthplace: Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Hal Yamanouchi is 78 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of 2019: After the Fall of New York
2019: After the Fall of New York
Hal Yamanouchi was 37 in 2019: After the Fall of New York as 'Stunts'.
Movie Released: Fri, Jul 22 1983

TV Shows (As Crew)

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