Portrait of Hadas Yaron

Hadas Yaron

Bio: Hadas Yaron, born in 1990, who portrayed an ultra-orthodox fiance, wife and mother and finally the lover of a Canadian gentile in two films on the run, first in Rama Burshtein's Fill the Void (2012), then in Maxime Giroux's Félix & Meira (2014). Her gentle face, her simple and fresh beauty and her innocent eyes make irresistible the two characters she embodies, Shira, an 18-year-old young lady pressured by her family to marry the widowed husband of her older sister in the former film and Meira, the repressed wife (with child) of a Hasidic husband in the latter
Born: Fri, Sep 21 1990
Birthplace: Israel
Hadas Yaron is 34 years old
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