Portrait of Gérard Watkins

Gérard Watkins

Bio: Gérard Watkins is an English-French actor, playwright, director, and songwriter. As a stage actor he has performed in over forty productions in Paris with such directors as Véronique Bellegarde, Julie Beres, Jean-Claude Buchard, Elizabeth Chailloux, Michel Didym, André Engel, Frederic Fisbach, Marc François, Daniel Jeanneteau, Philipe Lanton, Jean-Louis Martinelli, Lars Noren, Claude Régy, Yann Ritsema, Bernard Sobel, Viviane Theophilides, and Jean-Pierre Vincent
Born: Sun, Jul 04 1965
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Gérard Watkins is 59 years old
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