Portrait of Charles Gatewood

Charles Gatewood

Bio: Charles Gatewood was a photographer, writer, videographer, artist and educator, who lived and worked in San Francisco, California. His work mapped, provocatively and disturbingly, the subcultures of strippers, sex-club devotees, bikers, body piercers and fetishists
Born: Sun, Nov 08 1942
Death: Thu, Apr 28 2016
Charles Gatewood is 73 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Charles Gatewood's Body Shock
Charles Gatewood's Body Shock
Charles Gatewood was 47 in Charles Gatewood's Body Shock as 'Director'.
Movie Released: Mon, May 14 1990
Poster of Charles Gatewood's Weird America
Charles Gatewood's Weird America
Charles Gatewood was 47 in Charles Gatewood's Weird America as 'Director'.
Movie Released: Sat, Mar 17 1990
Poster of Charles Gatewood's Weird Thailand
Charles Gatewood's Weird Thailand
Charles Gatewood was 46 in Charles Gatewood's Weird Thailand as 'Director'.
Movie Released: Sat, Jun 10 1989
Poster of Charles Gatewood's Forbidden Photographs
Charles Gatewood's Forbidden Photographs
Charles Gatewood was 45 in Charles Gatewood's Forbidden Photographs as 'Director'.
Movie Released: Sat, Jul 16 1988
Poster of Charles Gatewood's Weird San Francisco
Charles Gatewood's Weird San Francisco
Charles Gatewood was 45 in Charles Gatewood's Weird San Francisco as 'Director'.
Movie Released: Mon, Apr 04 1988

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages