Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Angel 4: Undercover
Bob Stephens was ? in Angel 4: Undercover as 'Stunt Coordinator'.Movie Released: Tue, Jul 26 1994

Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice
Bob Stephens was ? in Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice as 'Stunt Coordinator'.Movie Released: Wed, Jan 29 1992

John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick
Bob Stephens was ? in John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick as 'Stand In'.Movie Released: Mon, Oct 24 1988

The Return of the Living Dead
Bob Stephens was ? in The Return of the Living Dead as 'Stunts'.Movie Released: Thu, Apr 25 1985
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages