Portrait of Bertrand Castelli

Bertrand Castelli

Bio: Bertrand Castelli (December 3, 1929, Salon-de-Provence – August 1, 2008) was a French producer, director, lighting designer, choreographer, painter and writer best known as the executive producer of many productions of the rock musical Hair in partnership with the show's main producers Michael Butler and Annie Fargue. Castelli was instrumental in helping the show reach Broadway and would later lead the effort to introduce Hair to a worldwide theatre audience
Born: Tue, Dec 03 1929
Birthplace: Salon-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, France

Death: Fri, Aug 01 2008
Bertrand Castelli is 78 years old
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Poster of Richard
Bertrand Castelli was 42 in Richard as 'Writer, Producer'.
Movie Released: Mon, Jul 31 1972

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