Portrait of Ana Regina Narváez Morales

Ana Regina Narváez Morales

Bio: Ana Re is a seventh semester student of Communications at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico City, with additional experience at the Lille Catholic University in France. She has participated in audiovisual productions as director, producer and writer, including "Rojo Guajillo" (2023), a short film which won a second place prize at Tecnológico de Monterrey's film festival
Born: Tue, May 28 2002
Birthplace: Mexico City, Mexico
Ana Regina Narváez Morales is 22 years old
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Poster of Rojo Guajillo
Rojo Guajillo
Ana Regina Narváez Morales was 20 in Rojo Guajillo as 'Director, Sound Design Assistant, Producer, Writer, Boom Operator'.
Movie Released: Tue, May 09 2023

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