![Albrecht Hennings Portrait of Albrecht Hennings](http://es.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date![Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard Poster of Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L21peE5ibHIzak5OZ2Z5cHBOeWc1Z0x5dGRZLmpwZw=AACh231.jpg)
Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard
Albrecht Hennings was
? in Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard
as 'Production Design'.
Fri, Sep 20 1963
![Like Once Lili Marleen Poster of Like Once Lili Marleen](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2hVSjBxZjMyYlp1UGdBME82QUhhQVZjOVM3OS5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Like Once Lili Marleen
Albrecht Hennings was
? in Like Once Lili Marleen
as 'Art Direction'.
Thu, Sep 20 1956
![Ich und meine Schwiegersöhne Poster of Ich und meine Schwiegersöhne](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2tCZUhIRmxKMWU5bTRLa21Rc3ZEck04d0RSai5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Ich und meine Schwiegersöhne
Albrecht Hennings was
? in Ich und meine Schwiegersöhne
as 'Production Design'.
Thu, May 03 1956
![Du mein stilles Tal Poster of Du mein stilles Tal](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2VmMHB0QXdmYlpSN1NXSDMwRnhIMDFsa2dPcC5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Du mein stilles Tal
Albrecht Hennings was
? in Du mein stilles Tal
as 'Production Design'.
Fri, Sep 23 1955
![The Charming Young Lady Poster of The Charming Young Lady](http://es.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
The Charming Young Lady
Albrecht Hennings was
? in The Charming Young Lady
as 'Production Design'.
Fri, Dec 25 1953
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages