Portrait of Yao Lan

Yao Lan

Bio: Guitarist of the rock band "Secondhand Rose". He is famous in the Chinese rock circle for his extremely varied and spiritual playing style, and is known as the guitarist of the most enchanting rock band in Chinese history
Born: Fri, May 30 1980
Birthplace: Beijing, China
Yao Lan is 44 years old
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Poster of Secondhand Rose 2018 Ru Ni Suo Yuan Shenyang New Year’s Eve Concert
Secondhand Rose 2018 Ru Ni Suo Yuan Shenyang New Year’s Eve Concert
Yao Lan will be 44+ in Secondhand Rose 2018 Ru Ni Suo Yuan Shenyang New Year’s Eve Concert
Movie Released: Unreleased

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages