Portrait of William Golding

William Golding

Bio: Sir William Gerald Golding (September 19, 1911 – June 19, 1993) was a British novelist, poet, playwright and Nobel Prize for Literature laureate, best known for his novel Lord of the Flies. He was also awarded the Booker Prize for literature in 1980 for his novel Rites of Passage, the first book of the trilogy To the Ends of the Earth
Born: Tue, Sep 19 1911
Birthplace: St Columb Minor, Cornwall, England, UK

Death: Sat, Jun 19 1993
William Golding is 81 years old
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Poster of The South Bank Show: William Golding
The South Bank Show: William Golding
William Golding was 69 in The South Bank Show: William Golding as 'Interviewee'.
Movie Released: Sun, Nov 16 1980

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