Portrait of Vincent Landay

Vincent Landay

Bio: Vincent Landay has spent over 20 years producing with director Spike Jonze, a collaboration that has been fruitful ever since its start. Music videos for bands such as Arcade Fire, Kanye West & Jay Z, REM, Björk, Weezer, Fatboy Slim & the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and commercials for Nike, Adidas, The Gap, Ikea & Levis have lead to numerous awards including those from MTV, the Grammys, the Emmys, the Museum of Modern Art and the Cannes Lions Festival
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Birthplace: Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada
Vincent Landay is ?
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Poster of Her: The Untitled Rick Howard Project
Her: The Untitled Rick Howard Project
Vincent Landay was ? in Her: The Untitled Rick Howard Project as 'Self'.
Movie Released: Tue, May 13 2014

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