Portrait of Teo Escamilla

Teo Escamilla

Bio: Teodoro Escamilla Serrano; Seville, 1940 - Matanzas, Cuba, 1997 Spanish cinematographer. In contrast to directors of photography who were concerned above all with creating their own style, Teo Escamilla was always in favor of a patient craftsmanship in cinematographic lighting that allowed him to adapt it, scene by scene, to the director's vision and to the specific story
Born: Wed, Oct 23 1940
Birthplace: Sevilla, Spain

Death: Sun, Dec 21 1997
Teo Escamilla is 57 years old
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Poster of You Alone
You Alone
Teo Escamilla was 43 in You Alone
Movie Released: Sat, Sep 01 1984

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