Portrait of Skandalove


Bio: Skandalove is an Italian drag performer and one of the contestants of the second season of Drag Race Italia. Skandalove initially came up with the name "Sandra Love" along with another drag queen while she was in Rome but later found out that a DJ already used the name, so she decided to take out the "r", but she didn't like "Sanda Love" sounding like "sandalo" (Italian for "sandal"), and then she ultimately landed on "Skandalove", as a pun on the word "scandalo" (Italian for "scandal")
Born: Mon, Jun 13 1988
Birthplace: Corato, Apulia, Italy
Skandalove is 36 years old
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Poster of Drag Race Italy
Drag Race Italy
Skandalove was 33+ in Drag Race Italy as 'Self - Contestant'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Thu, Nov 18 2021