Portrait of Rumiko Matsubara

Rumiko Matsubara

Bio: Rumiko Matsubara won a beauty contest for businesses in the Roppongi night-club area in Tokyo in 1981 as a woman, and was used as a model: the ‘Roppongi Beauty’. Once her transgender status was revealed, she posed semi-nude for a men's magazine, released an album of songs, and acted in the film Kura no naka (1981)
Born: Fri, Jul 11 1958
Birthplace: Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
Rumiko Matsubara is 66 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of In the Cellar
In the Cellar
Rumiko Matsubara was 23 in In the Cellar as 'Koyuki'.
Movie Released: Sat, Oct 03 1981

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Edogawa Rampo no bijo shirīzu
Edogawa Rampo no bijo shirīzu
Rumiko Matsubara was 19+ in Edogawa Rampo no bijo shirīzu
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Sat, Aug 20 1977