Portrait of Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi

Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi

Bio: Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi is Canadian Bipoc award-winning filmmaker and performer based out of Calgary and Montreal Canada. From broadcast commercials, web promo, experimental art installation, short form and feature documentaries, music videos, episodic TV and web, as well as a slew of scripted narrative work, Ramin is inspired by all that is visually stunning and engaging stories not often told
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi is ?
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Poster of Sshtoorrty
Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi was ? in Sshtoorrty
Movie Released: Sat, Mar 19 2005

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages