Portrait of Pina Cei

Pina Cei

Born: Mon, Jun 13 1904
Birthplace: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Death: Tue, Feb 01 2000
Pina Cei is 95 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Morte di una Strega
Morte di una Strega
Pina Cei was
91 in Morte di una Strega
as 'Vedova Spada'.
Mon, Feb 05 1996
Poster of OcchioPinocchio
Pina Cei was
90 in OcchioPinocchio
as 'Colomba'.
Sun, Dec 25 1994
Poster of Anche i commercialisti hanno un'anima
Anche i commercialisti hanno un'anima
Pina Cei was
89 in Anche i commercialisti hanno un'anima
as 'Caterina, mamma di Carlo Malinverni'.
Fri, Mar 11 1994
Poster of Una questione privata
Una questione privata
Pina Cei was
89 in Una questione privata
as 'La custode'.
Fri, Jul 16 1993
Poster of Zitti e mosca
Zitti e mosca
Pina Cei was
87 in Zitti e mosca
as 'Nonna Zaira'.
Sat, Sep 21 1991
Poster of Tre colonne in cronaca
Tre colonne in cronaca
Pina Cei was
85 in Tre colonne in cronaca
as 'Margherita'.
Fri, Mar 09 1990
Poster of Dark Eyes
Dark Eyes
Pina Cei was
82 in Dark Eyes
as 'Elisa's Mother'.
Sun, Feb 01 1987
Poster of Scandalous Gilda
Scandalous Gilda
Pina Cei was
81 in Scandalous Gilda
as 'governante'.
Mon, Nov 11 1985
Poster of A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Street Bandit
A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Street Bandit
Pina Cei was
79 in A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Street Bandit
Thu, Sep 29 1983
Poster of La traviata
La traviata
Pina Cei was
78 in La traviata
as 'Annina'.
Thu, Oct 07 1982
Poster of Sweetheart
Pina Cei was
73 in Sweetheart
as 'Elvira'.
Thu, Sep 15 1977
Poster of The Mistress is Served
The Mistress is Served
Pina Cei was
72 in The Mistress is Served
as 'Countess Fanny'.
Wed, Nov 10 1976
Poster of My Dear Nephews
My Dear Nephews
Pina Cei was
69 in My Dear Nephews
as 'Dade, domestica di Elisabetta'.
Tue, Jan 01 1974
Poster of Love and Anarchy
Love and Anarchy
Pina Cei was
68 in Love and Anarchy
as 'Madame Aïda'.
Fri, Feb 23 1973
Poster of Il marito è mio e l'ammazzo quando mi pare
Il marito è mio e l'ammazzo quando mi pare
Pina Cei was
63 in Il marito è mio e l'ammazzo quando mi pare
as 'Paolina'.
Thu, Feb 08 1968
Poster of Complexes
Pina Cei was
61 in Complexes
as 'la proprietaria dell'atelier Fabiani (III)'.
Sun, Aug 15 1965
Poster of Camping
Pina Cei was
53 in Camping
Sat, Apr 05 1958

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages