Portrait of Phillip Guzman

Phillip Guzman

Bio: Phillip Reyn Guzman began his career with The Lawless, a crime/thriller completed with a budget of only $7,500, collecting multiple awards on the way to international distribution and industry disbelief for what he was able to accomplish on such a small budget. Desdemona: A Love Story was Guzman’s sophomore film, which won numerous awards including Best Feature at the Naples International Film Festival, and Best Feature, Best Cinematography & Best Actor at the Boston Film Festival
Born: Thu, Jul 10 1980
Phillip Guzman is 44 years old
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Poster of The Lawless
The Lawless
Phillip Guzman was 27 in The Lawless as 'The Butcher'.
Movie Released: Fri, Oct 19 2007

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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