Portrait of Philippe-Alain Michaud

Philippe-Alain Michaud

Bio: Philippe-Alain Michaud is a curator at the Musée National d’Art Moderne – Centre Pompidou, in charge of the film collection and teaches history and theory of cinema at the University of Geneva. He is the author of Aby Warburg et l’image en mouvement (Macula, 1998), Le peuple des images (Desclée de Brouwer, 2004), Sur le Film (Macula, 2016), Âmes primitives
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Birthplace: Paris, France
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Poster of Philippe-Alain Michaud, le réel traversé par la fiction
Philippe-Alain Michaud, le réel traversé par la fiction
Philippe-Alain Michaud was ? in Philippe-Alain Michaud, le réel traversé par la fiction as 'Himself'.
Movie Released: Fri, Jan 01 2016

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