The Comic Strip Presents...
Peter Richardson was
31+ in The Comic Strip Presents...
as 'Harvey Duncan, Couple at Cricket Match, Julian, Nick, Squealer, Alan, Keith, Peter, Miguel, Julio, Gary, Milk Policeman, Tiny Townsend, Foyle, Radio DJ/Cocker/Wally/Miguel/Brown/Field Marshall/Drunk/Terrorist, Spider Webb, Mr. Lovebucket, Dave, Al Pacino, Mr. Chipstick, Pete, Rollo, Tony Benn, Waiter/Shopkeeper, Phil, Rupert Wilson, Victor, Kevin, Jed, Defence Minister, Foyle/Jason Bentley, James Blonde, Clive, Raymond, Coroner/Madman's Brother, Steve, Ghengis Khan, Tony Grace-Masters'.
First Air Date
Tue, Nov 02 1982