Portrait of Otto Saltzmann

Otto Saltzmann

Born: Tue, May 13 1884
Birthplace: Essen, Germany

Death: Sun, Dec 05 1965
Otto Saltzmann is 81 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Lutt Matten and the White Seashell
Lutt Matten and the White Seashell
Otto Saltzmann was
79 in Lutt Matten and the White Seashell
as 'Großvater'.
Sun, Jan 26 1964
Poster of Carbide and Sorrel
Carbide and Sorrel
Otto Saltzmann was
79 in Carbide and Sorrel
Fri, Dec 27 1963
Poster of Die Liebe und der Co-Pilot
Die Liebe und der Co-Pilot
Otto Saltzmann was
76 in Die Liebe und der Co-Pilot
as 'Arbeiterveteran'.
Fri, Jan 27 1961
Poster of Claudia
Otto Saltzmann was
75 in Claudia
Sun, May 31 1959
Poster of Castles and Cottages
Castles and Cottages
Otto Saltzmann was
72 in Castles and Cottages
as 'Paderski'.
Sat, Feb 09 1957
Poster of 52 Weeks Make A Year
52 Weeks Make A Year
Otto Saltzmann was
71 in 52 Weeks Make A Year
as 'Bauer'.
Thu, Nov 17 1955
Poster of Sommerliebe
Otto Saltzmann was
70 in Sommerliebe
Tue, Apr 19 1955

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages