Portrait of Ole Guldbrandsen

Ole Guldbrandsen

Born: Mon, Dec 21 1942
Birthplace: København, Danmark
Ole Guldbrandsen is 82 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Kid Gang on the Go
Kid Gang on the Go
Ole Guldbrandsen was
28 in Kid Gang on the Go
Fri, Oct 15 1971
Poster of Søndagen og Benny
Søndagen og Benny
Ole Guldbrandsen was
28 in Søndagen og Benny
as 'Claus Larsen'.
Sun, Sep 26 1971
Poster of Og så er der bal bagefter
Og så er der bal bagefter
Ole Guldbrandsen was
27 in Og så er der bal bagefter
Fri, Dec 18 1970
Poster of Tough Guys of the Prairie
Tough Guys of the Prairie
Ole Guldbrandsen was
27 in Tough Guys of the Prairie
Mon, Aug 31 1970
Poster of The Reluctant Sadist
The Reluctant Sadist
Ole Guldbrandsen was
24 in The Reluctant Sadist
as 'Kunde der må vente på sit pas'.
Mon, Mar 27 1967
Poster of Gengæld
Ole Guldbrandsen was
12 in Gengæld
as 'Peter'.
Fri, Nov 04 1955

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages