Portrait of Noureddine Hiahemzizou

Noureddine Hiahemzizou

Bio: Noureddine Hiahemzizou, born in 1937 in Algiers, is a designer, illustrator, cartoonist, model maker and poster designer, graduated from the National School of Fine Arts of Algiers. He started at the weekly “Algérie Actualité” in 1968 as a layout designer and illustrator and became known by publishing a humorous series under the title “Zach” (La Cigale) and the same year in the daily “El Moudjahid” with the character Si Fliou, based on an idea from journalist Abderrahmane Mekhlef, in a comic strip entitled "The Adventures of Si Fliou"
Born: Fri, Jan 01 1937
Birthplace: Algiers, Algeria

Death: Wed, Aug 23 2023
Noureddine Hiahemzizou is 86 years old
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